Thursday, August 23, 2018

Growth Mindset

   I have heard of the Growth Mindset, and I've tried to implement it into my life when I can. 

   I am someone who has struggled with anxiety for pretty much my entire life. Many things can trigger a panic in me, sometimes nothing will trigger it. However, I've always tried to push myself past the panic, because I've seen what is on the other side of it, and rarely is it ever as bad as the Nervous Nelly in my head makes it out to be. I remember moving to Oklahoma was one of the biggest challenges for me, and when I told my mom that I was doubting the move to OU and wanted to remain in Houston. She said, 
   "Why would you do that? You know what's here. You know what you are leaving behind. You don't know what is out there, and you won't ever learn if you never explore it."

   And obviously, that sentiment among a lot of support from friends and family helped me come to and stay in Oklahoma. I like to keep that thought in the back of my mind whenever I am faced with any new and scary adventure. Even at restaurants I remind myself I know what a cheeseburger tastes like and I will never forget the taste of a cheeseburger, but I don't know the taste of a crab-stuffed mushroom and it could be my favorite food. 

Trying new things and exploring new paths is the only way to true growth, and I intend on growing into my best and most well-rounded self I can. 

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Joey B