Tuesday, August 21, 2018

My Favorite Place

I love the city of Chicago. Although I was born and raised in Houston, TX, most of my family is from Chicago, IL. We go to the city at least once a year, sometimes more for special family events. I love urban areas, so it is cool to me. 


Caption: Free to use photo published by Lance Anderson on 


  1. Chicago is one of America's great cities for sure, Sammie! And if you are into the modern urban scene, maybe you will want to do an urban legends project for class: that's where you can see modern mythological forces at work. And like any great city, Chicago has its own urban legends: Chicago Urban Legends

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I love the urban legend suggestion. I will definitely explore that.

  2. I need to remember to mention that more as an option; I don't have urban legends as part of the reading options for class, but of course they are a big part of how storytelling happens in the modern world, and the project is a great way to add them into the mix. :-)


Joey B