Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Storybook Favorites

I found a lot of the past storybooks interesting, and many of them had concepts that stuck out to me. 

The first one I found most intriguing was the Real Housewives of Greek Mythology. As a reality t.v. junkie– I already have my dresses picked out for when I appear on The Bachelor –I found this one to be right up my alley. In addition, I am not too familiar with the Greek goddesses, so this would be interesting was to learn more about them.
The intro gave me great insight into what this story would be about. It was very descriptive without giving away too much, and a touch of comedy. 
I liked the overall layout of the project, but I'm not sure if I like the screenplay format of the story. I understand it was to model a t.v. show's script, but it was a little overwhelming.

The second one that peaked my curiosity was the Nine Lives of a Cat. I am a HUGE cat person, so it immediately caught my eye. The description was lengthy, but a good insight into the story. I think the storyline seems interesting, but possibly tries to tackle a big plot line in a short amount of time, which can sometimes be an issue. It seems like it would be a diverse story that covers a lot. 
The layout is overall appealing, and the website/blog they created is very smooth and easy to navigate. I also thought the intro page picture was cool.


The final story that I was intrigued by was Death's Story. The entire plotline sounded incredible. I have always been interested in stories that personify Death, so this one caught my attention. The intro I felt gave too much of the story away, however. Nonetheless, I feel this is a story I would thoroughly enjoy. The layout of the story is neat, but not that exciting.

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Joey B