Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Reading Part A

For this week's reading, I decided to read Nursery Rhymes: Tales. To start, I enjoyed this section. I liked the length of the tales. They were more digestible than the Celtic Tales. However, there were quite a few I found difficult to follow. I did like how any one of them could give me a good base for a story this week. They are short and vague, so would allow a lot of creative freedom. I have chosen a few of my favorite rhymes I might want to construct a story around. 

Nursery Rhymes: Tales 

The Lion and The Unicorn: The lion and unicorn fought for the crown. The lion won. The townspeople gave them bread and sent them out of town. 
There was a Crooked Man: There was a crooked man who found a sixpence and got a cat and lived in a crooked house. 
Caption: Phoebe knew a crooked man. Obtained from twitter.com

Three Wisemen of Gotham: Three wise men set sail in a small boat and it sunk. 

Nursery Rhymes: Paradoxes

Children slid on ice in the summer. The ice cracked (or melted) and all the children drowned. It was the parents' fault for not keeping them safe. 

Bibliography: The Nursery Rhyme Book edited by Andrew Lang and illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke (1897).

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